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Annual Flower & Produce Show 2023 Results


Best exhibit in show / 

Vegetables / 

Fruit / 

Flowers / 

Flower Arranging /  

Crafts & Novelties / 

Baking / Jam / 

Photography / 

Children's /


September 2022 


Best exhibit in show / Sophie Babcock

Vegetables / Jane Barton 

Fruit / Jane Barton

Flowers / Tom Barton

Flower Arranging / Kathryn Allan 

Crafts & Novelties / Lesley Allan

Baking / Jam / Gail Stone

Photography / Tim Henshall

Sunflower / Mike Saunders

Children's / Alice and June Price


The shield for the exhibitor gaining most points over all the classes :

1st  Kathryn Allan with 28 points

2nd  Jane Barton with 24 points

3rd  Jayne Hill with 19 points



Although it shouldn't be taken too seriously, all classes will be appraised by qualified judges and it is hoped that everyone will participate in what should be an enjoyable occasion.

The following guidelines are as issued by Sutton Bonnington Horticultural Society.



Do not assume that biggest is best. Condition, uniformity and shape are all equally important. A nice set of matched vegetables has as much chance as a larger set that is in poor condition. The judges will compare only the vegetables and not their presentation. All produce must be clean and as free from pest damage or disease as possible.


Root Crops

These should be free of all dirt by carefully washing with a soft sponge and plenty of running water. Try and leave as much intact as possible. Trim the foliage of carrots to maximum 3 inches.



These should be trimmed and nicely ripened. This means harvesting at least 4 weeks before the show. They should be evenly shaped about the centre line and not over ripe. Thin necks should be neatly tied with raffia or string and displayed on dishes of dry sand or vermiculite.



These should be firm, round well-ripened fruits, but not over-ripe. Green calyces should be retained to around ½ inch past the knuckle. Display on plain paper plates. Parsley garnishing is optional, but not essential.



These should be tender, staright pods of even length and a good green colour with no signs of the bean showing. Exhibit with ¼ inch or so of stalk intact.



These should bbe well-ripened with thin necks. Evenly matched round bulbs displayed neatly on dishes of dry sand with the necks tied neatly with raffia or string.



Select equally matched, medium sized tubars with shallow eyes. They should be clean with no skin blemishes. Note that varieties that are predominantly white, but have coloured specs are classed as coloured; whilst cream or slightly yellow skins are classed as white.


Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are classed as vegetables and not fruit.



All fruits should be picked as near to show date as possible and displayed with stalks. They should be ripe, but not over-ripe. Do not polish instead leave the natural bloom on the fruit. Select evenly matched specimens in good condition and display on plain paper plates.



Select large unblemished fruits of shape and colour typical of the cultivar, with eyes and stalk intact. Present with the eyes uppermost.



These should be large, symmetrical, complete bunches, properly thinned. Cut to a lateral shoot on either side of the stork to form a t-shape handle.


Blackberries & Raspberries

Select large ripe fruit of a good colour with stalks. Stalks and calyces should look fresh and present around a paper plate all facing the same way.



Select flowers in good condition at their optimum stage of perfection, free from blemish or pest damage, with strong stems and healthy foliage. For cut flowers, they must contain only the foliage of the flower itself. 



Select blooms with well-formed centres, free from blemish with strong stems and healthy leaves.


These should be open according to the type but showing no signs of open (daisy-eyed)  centre, apart from collerette types which are naturally like this. Display evenly matched, firm and blemish-free blooms, all florets intact with about 15cms of solid straight stalk. Blooms should be held at an angle of not less than 45 degrees to the main stem and should be staged in vases with oasis or paper so that they do not touch each other and are all facing the same way. Be sure to nip out any immature flower buds in the leaf joints as these count as a bloom and could lead to disqualification. Make sure the vase is filled with water.


Jars and bottles should be clean and free from brand names. Cakes should be presented on a  plate with a doily.


The first thing the judge looks for is the seal. To obtain a good seal the preserve should not drop below 82 degrees C (180 deg F).

before covering with either a twist top, a pliable press-on cover or a wax disc with a cellophane top when cooled. Jars should be filled to the top to allow for shrinkage. The fruit should be evenly distributed and there should be no scum, mould or sugar crystals

Victoria Sandwich

Use a traditional recipe. there should be no cooling rack marks on the top surface. Use only raspberry jam filling and a light sprinkling of caster sugar on the top


These should be rolled, cut uniform in size, baked until crisp and then snap when broken. All the biscuits should be identical.


Class 14 : Most attractive houseplant

Class 15 : Three garden flowers

Class 16 : Three Dahlias

Class 17 : Three Roses


Class 18 : Cup & Saucer Flower Arrangement*

Class 19 : Arranged vase of flowers*

Class 20 :Painting or drawing

Class 21 : Handmade crafted item
* Bought flowers permitted


Class 22 : Basket of three eggs

Class 23 : Unusual / funniest vegetable

Class 24 : Longest bean

Class 25 : Decorated potato

Class 26 : Animal out of a vegetable

Class 27 : Dish of floating flower heads


Class 1 : Three carrots, with tops

Class 2 : Three beetroot with tops

Class 3 : Three potatoes (any variety)

Class 4 : Three standard onions, trimmed

Class 5 : Beans (any variety)

Class 6 : Three tomatoes

Class 7 : Six Cherry tomatoes

Class 8 : Decorative tray of vegetables



Class 9 : Three eating apples

Class 10 : Three cooking apples

Class 11 : Three pears

Class 12 : Three stoned fruit

Class 13 : Six stoned fruit


Class 28 : Vegetable-based cake

Class 29 : Three fruit scones

Class 30 : Jam (any variety)

Class 31 : Fruit Jelly

Class 32 : Victoria Sandwich


Class 33 : Coronation

Class 34 : Landscape

Class 35 : Weather


Class 36 : Decorated Orange

Class 37 : A Lego model

Class 38 : Royal picture

Sunday in September - date to be confirmed

Village Hall, Main St, West Leake.

Entry fee : to be confirmed

TO ENTER : Simply tick the boxes on the entry form (download here) for the classes you wish to enter and bring it along with your exhibits on the day. Although it shouldn't be taken too seriously, all classes will be appraised by qualified judges and it is hoped that everyone will participate in what should be an enjoyable occasion.

ENTRY FEE : There's a small entry charge to offset the cost of the small awards, but admission to view the entries in the show is FREE.  Maximum one entry per person in each class, but there‘s no limit to the number of different classes you can enter.


ELIGIBILITY  : Residents of West Leake, allotment holders and those residing in the area are all eligible.


DELIVERING ENTRIES : All entries must be delivered to the village hall between 9.00 and 10.30 am, ahead of the independent judging which will commence at 11.00am.


VIEWING : All entries will be open for viewing at the Village Hall from 2pm.

ENTRY GUIDELINES : See bottom of page >>>

© 2024 Tim Henshall on behalf of West Leake  Village Hall Committee

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